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Clear Lake-Clayton Lutheran Churches
Faith Lutheran - Clayton WI
Moe Lutheran - Clear Lake WI
Located in Northwestern Wisconsin
At Clayton's Faith and Clear Lake's Moe Lutheran Churches, we know that inspiration opens hearts. An open heart is an open mind and an open mind is one that can practice tolerance, experience gratitude and feel the glory of God. It is our belief that God is present in all of us, but His active presence can only be felt through faith in Him. We are dedicated to the service of God and all his people, and our goal is to inspire you through the holiness of our dwellings and our services.
We invite you to become a part of our congregation.
Meet Our Pastor
Pastor Margaret is known as a “Double Wartburger with Cheese”, which means she graduated from Wartburg College and Wartburg Seminary (“Double Wartburger”) and she serves in Wisconsin, the cheese state.
The Clayton parish is her third call. She previously served two calls in Upper Michigan.
While in Upper Michigan she met her husband and started her family. Pastor Margaret moved here in 2003 with her husband Larry and her two children, Nathan and Amanda.
Pastor Margaret celebrated 20 years with Clayton Parish in September 2023.
Current News & Events
June Happenings
Worship Schedule
Regular Worship Schedule
9:30 Faith
11:00 Moe
11:00 Livestream
Our Churches accept online contributions.
A link can be found on each church's web page.
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Online Giving
Committed to Spiritual Wellbeing
CL Lutheran is a parish of two churches in Northwestern Wisconsin. Faith Lutheran is located in Clayton, Wisconsin and Moe Lutheran is located in Clear Lake, Wisconsin. We are steadfast congregations dedicated to serving the spiritual, educational, and cultural needs of the surrounding community. Our Churches are deeply rooted in holy words, and our doors are always open to community members who are looking for an engaging place to worship.
Contact us, or visit us to learn more about how to become a part of our congregation.
Worship Schedule
Faith Lutheran - Clayton, WI
​​Sunday: 9:30am
Join us for fellowship after each service
134 S. Prentice Street
Church School: Wednesdays
Moe Lutheran - Clear Lake, WI
Sunday: 11am
Join us for fellowship 1 hour before each service
451 30th Street
Sunday School: 1st and 2nd Sundays during service, September-May
Sunday: 11am
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:58